Ad-Tech Epoxy EC-405 (50R/50H)

Ad-Tech Epoxy EC-405 (50R/50H) is an Epoxy; Epoxide (Epoxy) product. It can be processed by casting and is available in North America. Applications of Ad-Tech Epoxy EC-405 (50R/50H) include coating applications and engineering/industrial parts. Characteristics include: Good Aesthetics Wear Resistant&&

Product Description
Material StatusCommercial: Active
FeaturesGood surface appearance,Good wear resistance
AvailabilitysNorth America
Process Methodscasting

Technical Data
PHYSICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Apparent density1.10g/cm³ASTM D1895

MECHANICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Shore hardness
Shaw’s D55ASTM D2240

THERMALNominal valueUnitTest method
Thermosetting components
resin按重量计算的混合比: 45
Hardening method按重量计算的混合比: 55
storage stability
25 ℃25 to 30min

Thermosetting mixed viscosityNominal valueUnitTest method
25℃950cPASTM D2393

1. Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications.
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