BITONER TR-100 is thermoplastic, low molecular weight, slightly yellow C5 and C9 co-polymerized resin. Possessing the good characters of C5 and C9 hydrocarbon resin,it is characterized by its wide compatibility with EVA,SIS,SBS and other polymers,low cloud point and good heat stability.TR-100 is used in Hot melt adhesives,PSA and shoe adhesives. It is also used as processing and reinforcing agent in tyre and rubber compounds. Characteristics: Excellent compatibility with various polymers and resins Solubility in various solvents Low Molecular weight Low volatility and low odor Water resistance Applications: Hot Melt Adhesive PSA Solvent Adhesives Coatings Rubber Compounds.&&

Product Description
Material StatusCommercial: Active
FeaturesLow or no water absorption,Low odor,Low molecular weight,Heat Stabilized
AvailabilitysAsia Pacific,Europe

Technical Data
THERMALNominal valueUnitTest method
Glass transition temperature49.0
Softening temperature95 to 105ASTM E28

Supplementary informationNominal valueUnitTest method
150℃< 1.0wt%

PHYSICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Density0.980 to 1.07g/cm³Internal Method
Ash Content< 0.050%
50% resin solid in TolueneMax5# ASTM D1544
Apparent viscosity of melt
175℃< 300mPa·sASTM D3236

1. Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications.
2. midpoint
3. Ring & Ball
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