KOPET® KP133G15BU is a Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) product filled with glass fiber. It is available in Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, or North America. Characteristics include: Flame Rated Good Dimensional Stability High Flow&&

Product Description
Material StatusCommercial: Active
FeaturesGood Dimensional Stability,High liquidity,High elastic,HB
AvailabilitysNorth America,Latin America,Asia Pacific,Europe

Technical Data
PHYSICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Density1.45g/cm³ASTM D792
Shrinkage rate
MD0.20 to 0.50%ASTM D955
Water absorption rate
Equilibrium, 23 ℃, 60% RH0.10%ASTM D570

IMPACTNominal valueUnitTest method
Impact strength of cantilever beam notch
23℃34J/mASTM D256

THERMALNominal valueUnitTest method
Hot deformation temperature
1.8 MPa, unannealed185ASTM D648-A
0.45 MPa, unannealed235ASTM D648-A
Melting peak temperature255ASTM D3418
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion
MD4.0E-51/℃ASTM D696

Electrical performanceNominal valueUnitTest method
Dielectric strength19kV/mmASTM D149
Dielectric constant
1 MHz3.70 ASTM D150
Arc resistance119secASTM D495

FLAME CHARACTERISTICSNominal valueUnitTest method
Flame retardant levelHB UL 94

MECHANICALNominal valueUnitTest method
tensile strength
23℃98.0MPaASTM D638
Tensile strain
Fracture, 23 ℃6.0%ASTM D638
Bending modulus
23℃5390MPaASTM D790
bending strength
23℃152MPaASTM D790
Rockwell hardness
R-level110 ASTM D785

1. Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications.
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Guangzhou Soliao Information Technology Co., Ltd. reserves all rights. The information in this data table was obtained from the manufacturer of the material on soliao.com. Soliao.com makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this data. However, the search company does not assume any responsibility for the uncertainty and consequences caused to users by these data values and suggestions, and strongly recommends verifying the data values with the material supplier before the final selection of materials.