PBT/PET for injection moulding, chemically reinforced with 30% glass fibre. Characterised by excellent properties also at minus temperatures like eg. modulus of elasticity in tension and bending, tensial strength, toughness. Does not absorb water, that means that identical properties are maintained also in wet environment. Melt is characterised by very good rheology, which enables manufacturing of extremely multiple products with complicated downflow-path. Anisotropy of shrinkage is much better in comparison with PA, what influences the manufacturing of round, cylindric or other hole products. Application in the automotive, electrical and engineering industry – connectors of cable harnesses, car-door locks, connection links, grips etc. Delivered in natural mode and in the full RAL colour scale.&&

Product Description
Genericpolybutylene terephthalate
Material StatusCommercial: Active
FeaturesLow or no water absorption,Chemical coupling,Low temperature toughness,HB
Process MethodsInjection Molding

Technical Data
PHYSICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Density1.55g/cm³ISO 1183
Melt Flow Rate
250℃,2.16kg10g/10minISO 1133
Shrinkage rate STM 64 0808
TD1.2%STM 64 0808
MD0.82%STM 64 0808
water content0.050%ISO 960

MECHANICALNominal valueUnitTest method
Tensile modulus9500MPaISO 527-2
tensile strength
yield150MPaISO 527-2
Tensile strain
yield2.9%ISO 527-2
Bending modulus8500MPaISO 178
bending strength200MPaISO 178

IMPACTNominal valueUnitTest method
Charpy Notched Impact Strength ISO 179
-20℃8.0kJ/m²ISO 179
23℃9.0kJ/m²ISO 179
Charpy Unnotch Impact strength ISO 179
-20℃45kJ/m²ISO 179
23℃45kJ/m²ISO 179

THERMALNominal valueUnitTest method
Hot deformation temperature
0.45 MPa, unannealed200ISO 75-2/B
Vicat Softening Temp190ISO 306/B

Electrical performanceNominal valueUnitTest method
Surface resistivity1.0E+15ohmsIEC 60093
Volume resistivity1.0E+17ohms·cmIEC 60093
Dielectric strength33kV/mmIEC 60243-1
Compared to the leakage tracing index
Solution A500VIEC 60112

FLAME CHARACTERISTICSNominal valueUnitTest method
Flame retardant levelHB UL 94
Igniting temperature of the hot wire650IEC 60695-2-13

Process Conditions
injectionNominal valueUnitTest method
Drying temperature120°C
Drying time4.0hr
Processing (melt) temperature250 to 280°C
Mold temperature50 to 90°C
Injection pressure60.0 to 100MPa

1. Typical properties: these are not to be construed as specifications.
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Guangzhou Soliao Information Technology Co., Ltd. reserves all rights. The information in this data table was obtained from the manufacturer of the material on makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this data. However, the search company does not assume any responsibility for the uncertainty and consequences caused to users by these data values and suggestions, and strongly recommends verifying the data values with the material supplier before the final selection of materials.